Indian Handloom Sector
At the village level, next to the Agriculture, Handlooms Sector is providing
major percentage of direct and indirect employment in India. The Handloom
industry is facing the competition in its own way irrespective of lack of
innovative response from the Government and excessive undue interest shown by
the non governmental organizations. No one required to take the credit
for the upbeat in the Handloom sector! The demand is coming because of the
change in the tastes of the people, their likes and dislikes and most
importantly the quality the weaver is maintaining.
There is a certain level of increase due to the various
financial assistance schemes and implementation of various developmental
schemes this has resulted in tenfold increase in the production of handloom
25% of the total cloth produced in the country belongs to
Handlooms. And Government has doubled its promotional campaign and assistance
to help directly the weaver, to improve the skills by getting involved in the
areas of :
(a) input support
(b) employment generation programmes
(c) modernization and upgradation of technology
(d) market support
(e) welfare measures
(f) publicity.
You will be looking at the various areas of Handloom sector in the coming